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Hi, I'm a chick named Lorna. I'm 15, a pretty chill bro, a lady brony and I fangirl a lot over dumb things. Currently Homestuck, which is why I'm pimpn' out Terezi and the color teal, Imma Libra. Also, I can't be bothered to credit stuff, just know that it isn't mine.


6 5~ 4 day 3 and dolls June is important now derp Everyfring tru dorra! Friday Goddamn it Glee Gingers and other useful things


Tuesday, June 7, 2011 # 7:33 PM

Day 7 - How your parents took it or how you think they might take it.
Well I've kinda told them, Not like "Hey I'm __", but just saying not entirely hetro things~ They don't care xD
Also the thing about my friend, she actually found a way to hack itunes from her ipod so she downloaded a couple episodes of FMA free :) But I really fucking hate her mom. She asked if I was excited for summer and I said no because I never see anyone because I don't text or have a facebook. She's all "Well get their numbers, invite them over" I said I don't want to because I don't like calling people and they probably have better things to do. She says "Just get over it" I almost snapped there. Fuck you, bitch. I'm socially awkward, you can't just tell me to get over it! Plus you know I don't have any money, I'm not wasting it. I kinda hope she magically finds this. I know I can never say this in person, but still.
Fuck off you stupid christian bitch!

aaaand that's my vent of the day~


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