Sunday, September 11, 2011 # 11:27 AM
Heat Stroke Adventure!
So yesterday was really hot, even hotter in the house because we had roast chicken for dinner. Now with roast anything, I tend to eat mostly skin and stuff because it's delicious, but before I could finish I was feelin kinda woozy. So I took my plate into the kitchen. I was also having stomach pains because this was the only thing I'd eaten all day. I got some baking soda in a glass and went to the bathroom sink for water. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I started blacking out. Like fading to black, but faster in some spots than others. Eventually I couldn't see at all and I just sat on the floor for a bit. It was actually kinda pleasent except that I was afraid I'd throw up and that would be terrible with all the fat and skin I'd just eaten. Ugh.