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Hi, I'm a chick named Lorna. I'm 15, a pretty chill bro, a lady brony and I fangirl a lot over dumb things. Currently Homestuck, which is why I'm pimpn' out Terezi and the color teal, Imma Libra. Also, I can't be bothered to credit stuff, just know that it isn't mine.


You guys, seriously -.- Poooooooonnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeessssssss All of the hate. ALL OF IT! Eska-moe More Homestuck Ahhhh Homestuck A secret more advanced route! Huh THIS IS WHY I HAVE NO FRIENDS :D


Monday, November 28, 2011 # 2:40 PM
This is super important

Except that it isn't.
I like memes and I don't care who knows!
•Day One: Your favorite Kid
John! Such a cute and dorky little babby *3*
•Day Two: Your favorite Troll
Terezi. Hmm *looks at blog* who could have guessed?
•Day Three: Your patron Troll
Terezi. hmm Hmm HMM!
•Day Four: Your favorite page[s]
I like the pages when WV first showed up. I love Can Town!
•Day Five: Your favorite flash
Am I a bad person for liking the end of "Equius: Seek the Highb100d"? I love Eq, but I still thought it was pretty cool. I also like the one with Vriska and Terezi where it was all glitchy.
•Day Six: Your favorite song
Idk what it's called, but the one when Dave fights his bro. I think it's been in more than just that, but yeah. So fly! Found it! This one! Just with less Eminem
•Day Seven: Your favorite Lusus
•Day Eight: Your favorite Guardian
Bro! I've had dreams about him, he always gives me a pair of his sunglasses. Sometimes Dave's too.
•Day Nine: Your favorite Exile
Wayward Vagabond! He's so cute, I wanna hug him. I like when Gamzee was doing his HONKing and it gets closer and closer and then BEEP! I laughed so hard.
•Day Ten: Your favorite alchemized item
Crosbytop, no doubt
•Day Eleven: Your favorite pesterlog
"I am not a homosexual" "WHATS THAT" "When a boy likes another boy" "YOU HUMANS HAVE A WORD FOR THAT?" Oh John~ Quit lyin'
•Day Twelve: Your favorite planet
Land of Wind and Shade. It's really pretty, even though it has an oil ocean. I guess I just like the blue and black color scheme, it's easy on the eyes.
•Day Thirteen: Derse or Prosphit?
Derse, Prosphit is so bright.
•Day Fourteen: The Midnight Crew or The Felt?
Uhm *barely paid attention to the intermission* I guess MC. They seem awright.
•Day Fifteen: Doc Scratch or Bec Noir?
Bec Noir soley for the reason that he doesn't type in white... and he has a face.
•Day Sixteen: Favorite member of The Midnight Crew/The Felt
Uhhhhh that one lady, Sn0wman, I think. She's pretty.
•Day Seventeen: Favorite Derse Agent
What's an agent again? *Looks up* Authority Regulator I guess
•Day Eighteen: Favorite Overall Character
Bro or Terezi. Brorezi!
•Day Nineteen: A post dedicated to your Moirail
Emily, who will never find this probably, thanks for being there for me. I know I don't visit enough, but I'm still glad you're my friend. My only friend actually. I love you so much <>
•Day Twenty: A post dedicated to your Matesprit
Never had one. I could've, but he never told me and then he moved on. It was like a sitcom, two people like each other, but no one is brave enough to say it.
•Day Twenty-One: A post dedicated to your Auspitice[s]
I guess that would be my mom, she's the Auspitice for my dad and I sometimes, sometimes I'm the Auspitice for her and my dad. Thanks mama o8<
•Day Twenty-Two: A post dedicated to your Kismesis
I had an unrequited Kismesis. He got murdered almost a year ago, a full year next month. I miss him a lot, even if he was mean to me. He would have been the best Kismesis ever <3<
•Day Twenty-Three: Your favorite Flash Game
The one with John and the salamanders. Rumpled Head Object, go!!
•Day Twenty-Four: The saddest death
I guess Feferi. I knew it would happen because of spoilers I heard before I started reading, but it was so sudden. Although I can't not think of Doctor Horrible when I think of Eridan's science stick rampage. "Look at him, not a word. Hammer meet nail!" glub glub
•Day Twenty-Five: Your intro into Homestuck
I heard about it through a couple people I watch on DA posting fanart. I tried to get into it then, but I didn't get it and quit after a few pages. Then Ewim on Tumblr got into it and was going on about Jade, but I still didn't care. Then someone showed her "Blue Lips" and I was all "Fuck it, I'm reading this"
•Day Twenty-Six: Your favorite Ancestor
Who ever Kanaya's is. Idk why but I really really like her.
•Day Twenty-Seven: Your favorite set of horns
Sollux's just cause he's got more than everyone else.
•Day Twenty-Eight: One character you'd want to know in real life
Tavros. All the other trolls, kids, and everyone else seem like they would annoy or scare me after a while. But I think Tav would just be a big sweetheart }:)
•Day Twenty-Nine: One character you could kill
No! I could never do that! I could never... kill everyone. Honestly, I don't hate anyone that much. Even the bad guys.
•Day Thirty: A message for Andrew Hussie

© by dottedlini 2010// brushes by them and some people