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Hi, I'm a chick named Lorna. I'm 15, a pretty chill bro, a lady brony and I fangirl a lot over dumb things. Currently Homestuck, which is why I'm pimpn' out Terezi and the color teal, Imma Libra. Also, I can't be bothered to credit stuff, just know that it isn't mine.


I'm a mess I can't breathe xD My mama's a troll :D oh mah glob GRAWW I'm a terrible person! Fuck, I'm cool~ Heat Stroke Adventure! Fionna and Cake It's 1am The magic button — Make Everything OK


Thursday, October 6, 2011 # 10:21 PM

Challenges are fun!

1. A selection of television programs you do not care for.
Anything crime-y, anything doctor-y that is not Scrubs, anything vampire-y, anything Jersey-y
2. A selection of musical artists you do not care for.
Taylor Swift. IDK the names of everyone else that sings that I hate, mostly country singers
3. A selection of celebrities you couldn’t care less about..
Most all of 'em.
4. A hobby you “don’t get”.
Camping. Why would you want to be in the woods without electricity?
5. A habit you find disgusting.
Tanning, dieting, most drugs
6. Something in school you really liked doing that everyone else bitched over.
Story writing. I made it secret fanfiction :D
7. Your favorite household chore.
I don't do chores, unless grocery shopping counts
8. Popular video games that make you go “meh”.
All fps games except TF2 and that's only because the art style is pretty
9. PC or MAC?
Bitch, I don't kow the difference!
10. A sport you don’t like, for whatever reason.
American Football
11. A sport you really like, for whatever reason.
Rest-of-the-world Football
12. Television programs you love but have gotten shit for liking.
Nothing, the things I watch are cartoons or girly live action shows. No one cares
13. Musical artists you love but have gotten shit for liking.
Most rappers. Damn you hick town!
14. A hobby you have/find interesting that other people bother you over/make fun of.
Otaku-ing? Liking yaoi? Idk, my general internet shit
15. A habit you have that other people bug you over.
Not having Facebook?
16. Something in school you hating doing and it felt like everyone else loved.
17. The household chore that makes you want to shoot your own face off.
Dishes, taking out the trash, the rest of em
18. A selection of video games that you enjoy that perhaps you really shouldn’t.
Whateva' I play what I want!
19. A celebrity crush that maybe even you don’t understand.
Niel Patrick Harris. HNNNG
20. Free rant on whatever grinds your gears at the moment.
Steve Jobs day is on my birthday.

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