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Hi, I'm a chick named Lorna. I'm 15, a pretty chill bro, a lady brony and I fangirl a lot over dumb things. Currently Homestuck, which is why I'm pimpn' out Terezi and the color teal, Imma Libra. Also, I can't be bothered to credit stuff, just know that it isn't mine.


yhkj fcg gfvn hhnmgfv School is out :C Finals get! T-shirt get! hftc12 boooooooop half of finals over~ dfcgnfg9


Sunday, June 19, 2011 # 11:58 AM
Pure terror

I had the scariest dream last night. I woke up half an hour ago so I still have it vividly in my head. Started off normal. Some shit about sand castles and Snow White, but then I switched dreams.
I was in this weird kinda old west town, but not really. I was with the dad from Still Standing, his dad (though, in all honesty, it was just a random fat older guy) and the blond guy from According to Jim. When they were walking, I noticed that they'd have their arm around the old guy all bro like, but be holding hands behind his back. So I had two dads, sweet.
We went to a little gift shop because they wanted a coffee mug and pencils. The old guy was gone. Anyway, the guy at the counter wouldn't let them. Because showing your gay-ness by holding hands is obviously a good excuse to refuse service :/
I tried to make the guy see reason. Like "how do you know they're gay? They could be really close brothers!" And then Cory (the guy from school I've written a couple posts about. I think I'll just use real names rather than describing people) came in randomly and I was all "Like if we were brothers, but we were holding hands. That doesn't mean we're gay!" Then Cory went and kissed me which was pleasent, but didn't help my point.
I think everyone got fed up at that point. I took the mug and whacked the guy in the head with it. Looking back, I whacked a lot of people. He ran out as I flipped him off. From the chatter of the townsfolk, I thought they were agreeing with me. Then we went back to the highschool breezeway cause I teleport in dreams.
That's when terror started. FYI all the people involved in this terror (except the teacher) are all people I vaugly admire. Just thought that might explain some of my fear
We were walking to the main building like when 8th period is over and I'm going home. One boy, Sam, walks by, looks at my dads and says "Break up" I think he's just joking and I playfully hit him with the coffee cup. He doesn't respond and leaves.
Then some weird guy who I supposed was the gym teacher (I don't know what he really looks like, I didn't have gym last year) takes out a gun. He shoots three times holding the gun upside-down and says "Damn it Suess!" when he misses (Suess is Sam Suess that used to be in my school, he's not the same Sam from before) The weird thing is, I can see the bullets. They're slow and don't go very far, kinda like darts actually. I'm still terrified of getting shot though.
That one gun goes to a lot of people. James, Brian, Richie, Greaser Ginger. None of them ever got anyone though. As I ran to the office, I lost sight of my dads. They don't show up again, so I guess they escaped. I tell the office lady that Richie has a gun and people are trying to shoot me and my dads. She calls the cops and they instantly show up and taze Brian, who I guess had the gun then. It's not normal tazer fluff though, it's like red and yellow cords, extension cord width. They start pulling it out and I just mutter "Oh Brian..." before I look away. There wasn't any blood, but I knew some would show up.
I ask if I can call my mom and the lady hands me the phone. I get on my stomach and try to dial the number. I see Greaser Ginger with the gun and let go of the phone because I know he'd shoot me otherwise. He takes it and leaves.
My mom wakes me up. First thing out of my mouth; holy shit.

Day 19 - Butch or Femme? Femme oh so femme

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